Minutes may seem to go by slow or fast, but they are all sweet. Once they are they are gone. Come along with me on my adventure of mom, teacher, and wife.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Garding Calender for Georgia

From what I can gather Walter Reeves is the Man when it comes to gardening and keeping a lawn here in Georgia.  I ran across this and thought I would share. It is a gardening calender for Georgia.  I know most of you probably know about this site inside and out, but I'm just starting on this gardening thing. I am allergic to so much that is green outside so I just stuck my head into the ground.
So cool.  Now if I could just link it with my google calender... even cooler.  Maybe you all whom are tech savvy and garden savvy already know of a such a thing.  Please let me know.

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