Minutes may seem to go by slow or fast, but they are all sweet. Once they are they are gone. Come along with me on my adventure of mom, teacher, and wife.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Some VBS's around town

Here is a small collection of VBS(es) (however you make that plural).
I am going to list the Church and date and have a link to their website. Some websites have a registration page and some do not. As far as I know all these VBS(es) are free.
Let me know if you know of other VBS(es) around town.

June 7-11 9:30-12:30 Powers Ferry United Methodist Church
June 7-11 (Sent flier home from Parent's Night Out but cannot confirm with website.  Last year theirs was in July.)  Holt Road Baptist Church
June 21- 25 (tentative date and in past years there seems to have been a fee in past years) St. Catherine's Episcopal 
June 27- July 1 time varies depending on day Eastside Baptist Church
July 19-22 5:45-8:30pm (dinner is included) Cumberland Community Church

Many are excepting registrations now.  Some churches will only take a certain amount and others will make room.  So if there is a VBS you know you want your child to go to, register early.


  1. Thanks, Heather. Great info!

    Smyrna First United Methodist Church
    6/21-6/25, 9AM-12PM $15.00

  2. King Springs Baptist Church - Smyrna
    6/7-6/11, 6PM-9PM, ages 3 - 12th grade
