Minutes may seem to go by slow or fast, but they are all sweet. Once they are they are gone. Come along with me on my adventure of mom, teacher, and wife.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Coupons and sunday inserts

So I am working on a couponing section.  I am not a 100% expert on extreme couponing.  Since I started doing this in late November.  But have been getting frustrated that my Thursday and Sunday inserts have not been matching up with other websites.  If you live in East Cobb you maybe getting 2 free papers on Thursday. I don't always get them  our street gets skipped quite often with one or both papers.  These have coupon inserts which are close to your Sunday paper but are often different.  So I am developing a system that I can double check both Thursday and Sunday papers and maybe give some better coupon match ups if you live in the East Cobb Cobb Area of Atlanta.

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